“We said “We just went together well, it was easy and we have never had to force anything.”

How did you meet?
Online, but in person, we met at the truckyard.
How did you decide you were official?
We were hanging out All of the time.
How did you know that your partner was the right one for you?
We just went together well, it was easy and we have never had to force anything.
How would you describe the dynamic of your relationship? How would others describe it?
Fun-loving, committed to making each other, and always showing and expressing our love.
What are some of your partner’s quirks? What are things about your partner that drive you a little crazy — things that only you could love.
He tries to act so tough all the time but is really a teddy bear!
How did the proposal happen?
At my parent’s house, while his parents were there for family dinner.
Name three memorable experiences you’ve been through together as a couple.
Going to Wyoming, getting our puppy, and going on our road trip.
What values are important to you as a couple?
Always showing love and respect for each other.